Mysql binary log maintenance
I've been noticing that my /usr partition has been slowly getting more and more full. I finally figured out why. I had enabled MySQL to create binary logs, and the log file was growing quite large:
[root@ns data]# ls -sh *bin*
4.0K ns-bin.001 920K ns-bin.004 12M ns-bin.007
4.0K ns-bin.002 4.0K ns-bin.005 69M ns-bin.008
644K ns-bin.003 4.0K ns-bin.006 4.0K ns-bin.index
[root@ns data]# mysqladmin flush-logs
[root@ns data]# ls -sh *bin*
4.0K ns-bin.001 920K ns-bin.004 12M ns-bin.007 4.0K ns-bin.index
4.0K ns-bin.002 4.0K ns-bin.005 69M ns-bin.008
644K ns-bin.003 4.0K ns-bin.006 4.0K ns-bin.009
As you can see, right now, the current logfile is ns-bin.008 and has a size of 69MB! After running
mysqladmin flush-logs, there is now a new 4.0kb ns-bin.009 file....and the ns-bin.008 file is still there...but I can cancel it and free up 69MB of space.
Posted by mark at August 2, 2006 01:59 PM
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